1- THEY REMEMBER…this uprooting, their suffering, and even 60 years later the failure to understand and the anger are still palpable.
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2- WHY… were they sent up there? What are the real reasons that drove the Canadian government to shatter the lives of all these families?
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3- PROMISES…of a better life, an abundance of wildlife, no more hunger… The government promised them a lot of things.
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4- THE TRIP… was long and intense. A stressful six weeks towards the unknown…
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5- COLD AND HUNGER…filled their everyday life as soon as they arrived in the High Arctic. The first few years were full of suffering and deprivation.
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6- FORSAKEN…in this inhospitable environment, the government’s promises soon transformed into a deep betrayal.
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7- The IMPACT…are significant for several generations. According to the official reports, “the experiment” is a success, but behind the polite smiles of the Inuit, the wounds are deep.
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8- Their HOMELAND…where day and night they hoped they could eventually return. Whether in Inukjuak, Grise Fiord or Resolute Bay, everyone suffered from the uprooting of their loved ones.
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9- The HELP FROM POND INLET… to the Inukjuak families was crucial, but the different dialects and ways of life created a few challenges in this cohabitation at the ends of the earth.
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10- The APOLOGY, long overdue from the Canadian government, has been well received. But, for some people, it was unfortunately too late.
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11-The HEALING…of the wounds inflicted by years of suffering is a long process. The different generations are united in their desire for unity and peace, and in sharing their experience.
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12-The FUTURE…is full of hope despite the major social, economical and cultural changes taking place in these northern communities. A vital force is passed down through the voices of these resilient and proud Inuit, one of their greatest assets being the youth of their population.
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